Theology and Leadership Cohort: Gender and Sexuality Fall 2024

Sometimes in leadership it feels as though there are no right answers or easy solutions. Balancing between the needs of defining a church’s beliefs and the pastoral needs of hurting people can be a significant challenge. One of the most requested areas for theological resources has been in the area of gender and sexuality.

ECO’s theology team, the Standing Theological Committee (STC) will be leading cohorts of church leaders through education and discussion as we discern how best to lead in the complexities of modern social life. We will cover practical questions as we study both Scripture and the world’s current beliefs. The STC has previously prepared a statement “Gender, Sex, and the Kingdom” and is currently producing a book-length treatment on the subject. Please see the linked document for details on the theological foundations of this cohort.

The details:

  • 6 Meetings over 11 weeks

  • September 16th to November 12th

  • Times:

    • Cohort 1: Monday Afternoon (1pm pacific)
      9/16, 9/23, 10/7, 10/21, 11/4, 11/11

    • Cohort 2: Thursday Afternoon (1 pm pacific)
      9/19, 9/26, 10/10, 10/24, 11/7, 11/14

  • Limited group size

  • For those in active leadership positions (pastors, elders, youth leaders, etc.)

  • Required homework (videos and reading)

  • Cost: $50 goes to facilitate the work of the STC